by Jeanne Darling & Michael Meister

Die Schweiz ist ein monstermässiges Land! Wird der fürchterliche Tatzelwurm die armen Hunde und Schweine fressen? Kann das mutige Mädchen Hannah den Geist besiegen, der im Aargau einen Schatz bewacht? Und werden die Basler Kinder in Stein verwandelt?Die acht Geschichten und 36 Info-Seiten dieses Buches erwecken Schweizer Monster zu neuem Leben. Die Ungeheuer nehmen die Leser mit auf eine Reise, auf der man Spannendes über Schweizer Besonderheiten erfährt: Wie gräbt man einen Tunnel durch die Alpen? Was ist das Geheimnis der Schweizer Schokolade? Und vieles mehr!

Ab 4 Jahren. Monstermässiges Format: 270 mm x 370 mmIn deutscher, englischer und französischer Ausgabe erhältlich.

Switzerland is a monstrous place! Will the terrifying Tatzelwurm eat your pigs and dogs? Can fearless Hannah defeat the dismembered ghost that guards the Aargau treasure? And will Basel’s kids be turned to stone?In eight stories and 36 fact-filled pages, Switzerland’s monsters come to life, accompanying readers on a tour of topics that range from how to dig a tunnel through the mountains to what makes Swiss chocolate unique.

Age 4 and up. Monstrously large format: 270 mm x 370 mm.

Bergli Books ISBN: 978-3-03869-025-2



The Monster Book of Switzerland Jeanne Darling and Michael Meister

What is a Tatzelwurm, exactly? This collection of eight stories in cartoon formal, which takes us on a tour of Switzerland, interspersed with useful information such as how to get up and down a mountain and illustrated with pictures of chopped-off legs, cows’ stomachs, and red milk, among other scary things, will enlighten you. Any child knows that story telling is how we learn a language – any story. We like the sound of words before we know what they mean. Meet not only the Vogel Gryff, the Boog, Tschägätta, and Schmutzli but Fearless Hannah who is not afraid of ghosts and asks some robbers if they are really robbers and and even offers some pancake to one of them.

ETAS Journal 36/1 Winter 2018

TED’s winter reading list:

If you want to enjoy a book with your favorite little person

The Monster Book of Switzerland by Jeanne Darling and Michael Meister

This is a fantastic and beautifully illustrated children’s book with lots of enjoyable monsters and trivia about Switzerland, where I spent most of my life. And the author just happens to be my mother, who started writing popular Swiss children’s books as a 70-year-old retired teacher! It makes me feel both at home and truly inspired to follow my dreams.
— Kate Darling (TED talk:
Why we have an emotional connection to robots)